Are you stuck in the system also?

RaginRanger will respond to any comment--on any post--asking for help on your situation.
This blog "moderates" posts, meaning that your post will NOT be posted publicly if you request that your question remain private.

I am not a lawyer, but I have been in this fight long enough to at least point you to help in most cases. I'll help write a Memorandum For Record and/or the Commander if needed. Sometimes just getting a new perspective from someone who's been there, but doesn't have personal ties to
you, can make things more clear.

The most important thing is for those of us who have made it through, to be here for those still fighting through ~

02 October 2006

The World a Soldier Sees

Just a picture of the world a soldier sees. I looked through that windsheild with that frame for about 4 months until we moved into an airplane hanger. It was home. I burned a Yankee Candle on the dash to smell something other than burning shit and piss and other contributors to 3rd world stench. I didn't mind living in the truck -- I kind of liked the solitude, at least when it was quiet, and it was often quiet.

- Ragin' Ranger Out

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