Are you stuck in the system also?

RaginRanger will respond to any comment--on any post--asking for help on your situation.
This blog "moderates" posts, meaning that your post will NOT be posted publicly if you request that your question remain private.

I am not a lawyer, but I have been in this fight long enough to at least point you to help in most cases. I'll help write a Memorandum For Record and/or the Commander if needed. Sometimes just getting a new perspective from someone who's been there, but doesn't have personal ties to
you, can make things more clear.

The most important thing is for those of us who have made it through, to be here for those still fighting through ~

05 October 2006

re-fighting the last war . . . AGAIN!

Below is the link to a very sad article from Newsweek about the psychological impact war has on the individual.
The war never really goes away from those who have been there. This article highlights the affect the current war is having on Veterans of previous wars, Vietnam in particular. I guess they are the living proof that the wars have a lot in common.

There is only so much a vet can do to distance themself from a past they would rather forget -- but they can't un-see or un-do, or un-hear, or un-feel, or un-taste, or un-smell. It is part of us and we all act differently based on the relative stress levels we endured. I'm no shrink but I have seen people drastically change after some experiences over there.

- Ragin' Ranger Out

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