Are you stuck in the system also?

RaginRanger will respond to any comment--on any post--asking for help on your situation.
This blog "moderates" posts, meaning that your post will NOT be posted publicly if you request that your question remain private.

I am not a lawyer, but I have been in this fight long enough to at least point you to help in most cases. I'll help write a Memorandum For Record and/or the Commander if needed. Sometimes just getting a new perspective from someone who's been there, but doesn't have personal ties to
you, can make things more clear.

The most important thing is for those of us who have made it through, to be here for those still fighting through ~

20 August 2006

Going away . . . coming back . . .

I was in Iraq just under a year but part of me never came home. I am different now. I can't quite put my finger on it but I changed.
I check the casualty list every day. I have friends over there now, some who want to be there, some who hate it there (for more than just the geography) and/or hate being away from family, and some who are torn between wanting to be home with family and wanting to stay there.
I respect my friends that want to stay in -- hey, if it works for them that's great, I hope they can stay happy. I hope they never have to deal with the medical side of the military.

Here's the page I look at. I wear a black bracelet for one who is listed.

Forgot to mention: the reason I like this page is the search function at the bottom and the statistical information the website provides.

Don't miss the link to Afghanistan casualties as well

- Ragin' Ranger Out

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